Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Eid message from Islamic Relief - 2008

We at Islamic Relief prays that all Muslims who fasted during the month of Ramadan have benefited from this month of High Intensity Training, and are ready to serve in the Cause of Allah (swt) and the Cause of the poor.

We have passed through this month during a period of Global Economic Crises, whilst still reeling from the effects of a global food crisis.

As One Ummah we feel the pain, the deprivation, the hunger, the insecurity and the injustice faced by our brothers and sisters throughout the world.Our actions and our charity have to be GLOBAL.

There is a desperate need to:
- Eradicate poverty and hunger,
- Reduce child mortality,
- Combat HIV and AIDS, TB, malaria and other diseases,
- Ensure environmental sustainability,
- Improve maternal health, and
- Provide peace and security.

SOCIAL JUSTICE demands strong, resilient and committed people.

Islamic Relief thanks all South African donors for their Zakah and Lillah contributions during Ramadan.

More than R14.5 million was raised for Islamic Relief projects in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Bangladesh, Horn of Africa, Palestine, Iraq and Bosnia, just some of the 40 countries where Islamic Relief operates.

We wish you and your family a blessed Eid Mubarak!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Islamic Relief in South Africa

Islamic Relief approaches its work in South Africa by prioritising the needs of children.

Islamic Relief addresses the root causes of poverty and specifically the state children find themselves in, by:

  • Holding the relevant authorities accountable
  • Fulfilling the needs of the poor where gaps exist
  • Working towards realising their socio economic rights.

In addition to educating communities on development issues, Islamic Relief also implements seasonal Ramadhan and Qurbani programmes and responds to local emergencies.

Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Islamic Relief prioritises orphaned children made vulnerable by the AIDS pandemic, child-headed households, girl children, and homes with infants and younger children.

Children from rural areas and informal settlements benefit from:

  • Monthly food support
  • School uniforms and stationary
  • Blankets for winter
  • Interventions to ensure access to healthcare and education.

Through community based care centres, Islamic Relief:

  • Mobilises and supports community-based responses.
  • Strengthens the capacity of caregivers.
  • Ensures access to essential services.
  • Advocates for the protection of children.
  • Raises awareness to create a supportive environment for children and families

HIV and AIDS programme

The HIV and AIDS programme supports beneficiaries and communities through:

  • Awareness programmes
  • Home based care
  • Counselling and support groups
  • Access to healthcare
  • AdvocacyIslamic

Relief hosted an international consultation on Islam and HIV/AIDS in November 2007. Participants included people living with HIV and AIDS, religious leaders and practitioners. http://www.islamandhivaids.org/

Forced Migration programme

Natural and man-made disasters force people to migrate. Islamic Relief prioritises assistance to migrants such as unaccompanied minors, women, and migrants who are HIV positive, through:

  • Relief assistance and income generation
  • Facilitating integration
  • Organisational capacity building
  • Advocacy
  • Awareness

Environment Programme

Live simply so that others can simply live!

Islamic Relief actively promotes Islamic values that encourages spending less on ourselves and more on those in need. Islamic Relief:

  • Supports poor households by providing training in food production.
  • Respects local knowledge and does not cause harm to the environment.
  • Empowers rural women and girl children by increasing access to education, resources and decision-making.
  • Advocates for the rights of poor people, especially the right to food as one of the basic human rights.
  • Assists households, schools, businesses and individuals to calculate their carbon footprint
  • Educates communities on climate change through exhibitions and talks.
  • Provides education on sanitation and hygiene.
  • Offers the public an opportunity to sponsor shares in its water drilling rig projects.

The planting of fruit trees is a form of continuous charity (Sadaqah Jaariya)

Media and Communications

Islamic Relief’s media department ensures that regular feedback is provided to donors and stakeholders, using:

  • Quarterly newsletters and adverts
  • Radio and Television interviews
  • Field stories for newspapers
  • Video and radio clips for broadcast
  • Text messages, fax and e-mail alerts

The Community Media Training Centre provides a voice to the poor, by educating them about:

  • The media industry
  • Writing letters to the media
  • Conducting radio interviews
  • Computer skills

Resource Mobilisation

Islamic Relief mobilises cash and in-kind donations that can be used by children such as clothes, food, toys, stationary, blankets and shoes.

Please contact IR offices for a list of updated costs

Donors can contribute towards:

  • International development projects
  • International orphans sponsorship
  • Waqf programmes
  • South African orphans
  • Home-based care workers
  • HIV and AIDS support groups
  • Supporting refugee families
  • Income generation projects for refugee women
  • Refugee awareness activities
  • Fruit trees, community and home food gardens
  • Quarterly newsletters adverts
  • Media training workshops
  • Water Rig Waqf programme

Islamic Relief - Contact and Banking Details

Islamic Relief Worldwide - South Africa
PBO 930 018 104 043 - 357 NPO

Bank details:
Account name: Islamic Relief SA; Standard Bank, Fordsburg;
Branch code: 005205;
Account number: 005318459;
Reference: Name and type of donation.
Donations are tax deductible.

Head Office:
1st floor, 57 Mint Road, Fordsburg
PO Box 42811, Fordsburg, 2033
Tel: (011) 836 1054;
Fax: (011) 836 1055

Cape Town
Old Klipfontein Road, Belgravia, Athlone
Tel: (021) 699 0375; Fax: (021) 699 0376

169 Brickfield Road, Overport
Tel: (031) 208 2838; Fax: (031) 207 9141

Iqra Library, Thomas Street
Tel/Fax: (033) 342 7417